CN8 / NC8 - 2024 51 CN8 / NC8 - 2024 - EN 53

CN8 / NC8 - 2024 - EN

I-Way To Customs


52.01 Cotton, not carded or combed    
Rendered absorbent or bleached 5201 00 10  
Other 5201 00 90  
52.02 Cotton waste (including yarn waste and garnetted stock)    
Yarn waste (including thread waste) 5202 10 00  
Garnetted stock 5202 91 00  
Other 5202 99 00  
52.03 Cotton, carded or combed 5203 00 00  
52.04 Cotton sewing thread, whether or not put up for retail sale    
Not put up for retail sale    
Containing 85 % or more by weight of cotton 5204 11 00  
Other 5204 19 00  
Put up for retail sale 5204 20 00  
52.05 Cotton yarn (other than sewing thread), containing 85 % or more by weight of cotton, not put up for retail sale    
Single yarn, of uncombed fibres    
Measuring 714,29 decitex or more (not exceeding 14 metric number) 5205 11 00  
Measuring less than 714,29 decitex but not less than 232,56 decitex (exceeding 14 metric number but not exceeding 43 metric number) 5205 12 00  
Measuring less than 232,56 decitex but not less than 192,31 decitex (exceeding 43 metric number but not exceeding 52 metric number) 5205 13 00  
Measuring less than 192,31 decitex but not less than 125 decitex (exceeding 52 metric number but not exceeding 80 metric number) 5205 14 00  
Measuring less than 125 decitex (exceeding 80 metric number)    
Measuring less than 125 decitex but not less than 83,33 decitex (exceeding 80 metric number but not exceeding 120 metric number) 5205 15 10  
Measuring less than 83,33 decitex (exceeding 120 metric number) 5205 15 90  
Single yarn, of combed fibres    
Measuring 714,29 decitex or more (not exceeding 14 metric number) 5205 21 00  
Measuring less than 714,29 decitex but not less than 232,56 decitex (exceeding 14 metric number but not exceeding 43 metric number) 5205 22 00  
Measuring less than 232,56 decitex but not less than 192,31 decitex (exceeding 43 metric number but not exceeding 52 metric number) 5205 23 00  
Measuring less than 192,31 decitex but not less than 125 decitex (exceeding 52 metric number but not exceeding 80 metric number) 5205 24 00  
Measuring less than 125 decitex but not less than 106,38 decitex (exceeding 80 metric number but not exceeding 94 metric number) 5205 26 00  
Measuring less than 106,38 decitex but not less than 83,33 decitex (exceeding 94 metric number but not exceeding 120 metric number) 5205 27 00  
Measuring less than 83,33 decitex (exceeding 120 metric number) 5205 28 00  
Multiple (folded) or cabled yarn, of uncombed fibres    
Measuring per single yarn 714,29 decitex or more (not exceeding 14 metric number per single yarn) 5205 31 00  
Measuring per single yarn less than 714,29 decitex but not less than 232,56 decitex (exceeding 14 metric number but not exceeding 43 metric number per single yarn) 5205 32 00  
Measuring per single yarn less than 232,56 decitex but not less than 192,31 decitex (exceeding 43 metric number but not exceeding 52 metric number per single yarn) 5205 33 00  
Measuring per single yarn less than 192,31 decitex but not less than 125 decitex (exceeding 52 metric number but not exceeding 80 metric number per single yarn) 5205 34 00  
Measuring per single yarn less than 125 decitex (exceeding 80 metric number per single yarn) 5205 35 00  
Multiple (folded) or cabled yarn, of combed fibres    
Measuring per single yarn 714,29 decitex or more (not exceeding 14 metric number per single yarn) 5205 41 00  
Measuring per single yarn less than 714,29 decitex but not less than 232,56 decitex (exceeding 14 metric number but not exceeding 43 metric number per single yarn) 5205 42 00  
Measuring per single yarn less than 232,56 decitex but not less than 192,31 decitex (exceeding 43 metric number but not exceeding 52 metric number per single yarn) 5205 43 00  
Measuring per single yarn less than 192,31 decitex but not less than 125 decitex (exceeding 52 metric number but not exceeding 80 metric number per single yarn) 5205 44 00  
Measuring per single yarn less than 125 decitex but not less than 106,38 decitex (exceeding 80 metric number but not exceeding 94 metric number per single yarn) 5205 46 00  
Measuring per single yarn less than 106,38 decitex but not less than 83,33 decitex (exceeding 94 metric number but not exceeding 120 metric number per single yarn) 5205 47 00  
Measuring per single yarn less than 83,33 decitex (exceeding 120 metric number per single yarn) 5205 48 00  
52.06 Cotton yarn (other than sewing thread), containing less than 85 % by weight of cotton, not put up for retail sale    
Single yarn, of uncombed fibres    
Measuring 714,29 decitex or more (not exceeding 14 metric number) 5206 11 00  
Measuring less than 714,29 decitex but not less than 232,56 decitex (exceeding 14 metric number but not exceeding 43 metric number) 5206 12 00  
Measuring less than 232,56 decitex but not less than 192,31 decitex (exceeding 43 metric number but not exceeding 52 metric number) 5206 13 00  
Measuring less than 192,31 decitex but not less than 125 decitex (exceeding 52 metric number but not exceeding 80 metric number) 5206 14 00  
Measuring less than 125 decitex (exceeding 80 metric number) 5206 15 00  
Single yarn, of combed fibres    
Measuring 714,29 decitex or more (not exceeding 14 metric number) 5206 21 00  
Measuring less than 714,29 decitex but not less than 232,56 decitex (exceeding 14 metric number but not exceeding 43 metric number) 5206 22 00  
Measuring less than 232,56 decitex but not less than 192,31 decitex (exceeding 43 metric number but not exceeding 52 metric number) 5206 23 00  
Measuring less than 192,31 decitex but not less than 125 decitex (exceeding 52 metric number but not exceeding 80 metric number) 5206 24 00  
Measuring less than 125 decitex (exceeding 80 metric number) 5206 25 00  
Multiple (folded) or cabled yarn, of uncombed fibres    
Measuring per single yarn 714,29 decitex or more (not exceeding 14 metric number per single yarn) 5206 31 00  
Measuring per single yarn less than 714,29 decitex but not less than 232,56 decitex (exceeding 14 metric number but not exceeding 43 metric number per single yarn) 5206 32 00  
Measuring per single yarn less than 232,56 decitex but not less than 192,31 decitex (exceeding 43 metric number but not exceeding 52 metric number per single yarn) 5206 33 00  
Measuring per single yarn less than 192,31 decitex but not less than 125 decitex (exceeding 52 metric number but not exceeding 80 metric number per single yarn) 5206 34 00  
Measuring per single yarn less than 125 decitex (exceeding 80 metric number per single yarn) 5206 35 00  
Multiple (folded) or cabled yarn, of combed fibres    
Measuring per single yarn 714,29 decitex or more (not exceeding 14 metric number per single yarn) 5206 41 00  
Measuring per single yarn less than 714,29 decitex but not less than 232,56 decitex (exceeding 14 metric number but not exceeding 43 metric number per single yarn) 5206 42 00  
Measuring per single yarn less than 232,56 decitex but not less than 192,31 decitex (exceeding 43 metric number but not exceeding 52 metric number per single yarn) 5206 43 00  
Measuring per single yarn less than 192,31 decitex but not less than 125 decitex (exceeding 52 metric number but not exceeding 80 metric number per single yarn) 5206 44 00  
Measuring per single yarn less than 125 decitex (exceeding 80 metric number per single yarn) 5206 45 00  
52.07 Cotton yarn (other than sewing thread) put up for retail sale    
Containing 85 % or more by weight of cotton 5207 10 00  
Other 5207 90 00  
52.08 Woven fabrics of cotton, containing 85 % or more by weight of cotton, weighing not more than 200 g/m²    
Plain weave, weighing not more than 100 g/m²    
Fabrics for the manufacture of bandages, dressings and medical gauzes 5208 11 10 (MTK)
Other 5208 11 90 (MTK)
Plain weave, weighing more than 100 g/m²    
Plain weave, weighing more than 100 g/m² but not more than 130 g/m² and of a width    
Not exceeding 165 cm 5208 12 16 (MTK)
Exceeding 165 cm 5208 12 19 (MTK)
Plain weave, weighing more than 130 g/m² and of a width    
Not exceeding 165 cm 5208 12 96 (MTK)
Exceeding 165 cm 5208 12 99 (MTK)
3-thread or 4-thread twill, including cross twill 5208 13 00 (MTK)
Other fabrics 5208 19 00 (MTK)
Plain weave, weighing not more than 100 g/m²    
Fabrics for the manufacture of bandages, dressings and medical gauzes 5208 21 10 (MTK)
Other 5208 21 90 (MTK)
Plain weave, weighing more than 100 g/m²    
Plain weave, weighing more than 100 g/m² but not more than 130 g/m² and of a width    
Not exceeding 165 cm 5208 22 16 (MTK)
Exceeding 165 cm 5208 22 19 (MTK)
Plain weave, weighing more than 130 g/m² and of a width    
Not exceeding 165 cm 5208 22 96 (MTK)
Exceeding 165 cm 5208 22 99 (MTK)
3-thread or 4-thread twill, including cross twill 5208 23 00 (MTK)
Other fabrics 5208 29 00 (MTK)
Plain weave, weighing not more than 100 g/m² 5208 31 00 (MTK)
Plain weave, weighing more than 100 g/m²    
Plain weave, weighing more than 100 g/m² but not more than 130 g/m² and of a width    
Not exceeding 165 cm 5208 32 16 (MTK)
Exceeding 165 cm 5208 32 19 (MTK)
Plain weave, weighing more than 130 g/m² and of a width    
Not exceeding 165 cm 5208 32 96 (MTK)
Exceeding 165 cm 5208 32 99 (MTK)
3-thread or 4-thread twill, including cross twill 5208 33 00 (MTK)
Other fabrics 5208 39 00 (MTK)
Of yarns of different colours    
Plain weave, weighing not more than 100 g/m² 5208 41 00 (MTK)
Plain weave, weighing more than 100 g/m² 5208 42 00 (MTK)
3-thread or 4-thread twill, including cross twill 5208 43 00 (MTK)
Other fabrics 5208 49 00 (MTK)
Plain weave, weighing not more than 100 g/m² 5208 51 00 (MTK)
Plain weave, weighing more than 100 g/m² 5208 52 00 (MTK)
Other fabrics    
3-thread or 4-thread twill, including cross twill 5208 59 10 (MTK)
Other 5208 59 90 (MTK)
52.09 Woven fabrics of cotton, containing 85 % or more by weight of cotton, weighing more than 200 g/m²    
Plain weave 5209 11 00 (MTK)
3-thread or 4-thread twill, including cross twill 5209 12 00 (MTK)
Other fabrics 5209 19 00 (MTK)
Plain weave 5209 21 00 (MTK)
3-thread or 4-thread twill, including cross twill 5209 22 00 (MTK)
Other fabrics 5209 29 00 (MTK)
Plain weave 5209 31 00 (MTK)
3-thread or 4-thread twill, including cross twill 5209 32 00 (MTK)
Other fabrics 5209 39 00 (MTK)
Of yarns of different colours    
Plain weave 5209 41 00 (MTK)
Denim 5209 42 00 (MTK)
Other fabrics of 3-thread or 4-thread twill, including cross twill 5209 43 00 (MTK)
Other fabrics 5209 49 00 (MTK)
Plain weave 5209 51 00 (MTK)
3-thread or 4-thread twill, including cross twill 5209 52 00 (MTK)
Other fabrics 5209 59 00 (MTK)
52.10 Woven fabrics of cotton, containing less than 85 % by weight of cotton, mixed mainly or solely with man-made fibres, weighing not more than 200 g/m²    
Plain weave 5210 11 00 (MTK)
Other fabrics 5210 19 00 (MTK)
Plain weave 5210 21 00 (MTK)
Other fabrics 5210 29 00 (MTK)
Plain weave 5210 31 00 (MTK)
3-thread or 4-thread twill, including cross twill 5210 32 00 (MTK)
Other fabrics 5210 39 00 (MTK)
Of yarns of different colours    
Plain weave 5210 41 00 (MTK)
Other fabrics 5210 49 00 (MTK)
Plain weave 5210 51 00 (MTK)
Other fabrics 5210 59 00 (MTK)
52.11 Woven fabrics of cotton, containing less than 85 % by weight of cotton, mixed mainly or solely with man-made fibres, weighing more than 200 g/m²    
Plain weave 5211 11 00 (MTK)
3-thread or 4-thread twill, including cross twill 5211 12 00 (MTK)
Other fabrics 5211 19 00 (MTK)
Bleached 5211 20 00 (MTK)
Plain weave 5211 31 00 (MTK)
3-thread or 4-thread twill, including cross twill 5211 32 00 (MTK)
Other fabrics 5211 39 00 (MTK)
Of yarns of different colours    
Plain weave 5211 41 00 (MTK)
Denim 5211 42 00 (MTK)
Other fabrics of 3-thread or 4-thread twill, including cross twill 5211 43 00 (MTK)
Other fabrics    
Jacquard fabrics 5211 49 10 (MTK)
Other 5211 49 90 (MTK)
Plain weave 5211 51 00 (MTK)
3-thread or 4-thread twill, including cross twill 5211 52 00 (MTK)
Other fabrics 5211 59 00 (MTK)
52.12 Other woven fabrics of cotton    
Weighing not more than 200 g/m²    
Mixed mainly or solely with flax 5212 11 10 (MTK)
Otherwise mixed 5212 11 90 (MTK)
Mixed mainly or solely with flax 5212 12 10 (MTK)
Otherwise mixed 5212 12 90 (MTK)
Mixed mainly or solely with flax 5212 13 10 (MTK)
Otherwise mixed 5212 13 90 (MTK)
Of yarns of different colours    
Mixed mainly or solely with flax 5212 14 10 (MTK)
Otherwise mixed 5212 14 90 (MTK)
Mixed mainly or solely with flax 5212 15 10 (MTK)
Otherwise mixed 5212 15 90 (MTK)
Weighing more than 200 g/m²    
Mixed mainly or solely with flax 5212 21 10 (MTK)
Otherwise mixed 5212 21 90 (MTK)
Mixed mainly or solely with flax 5212 22 10 (MTK)
Otherwise mixed 5212 22 90 (MTK)
Mixed mainly or solely with flax 5212 23 10 (MTK)
Otherwise mixed 5212 23 90 (MTK)
Of yarns of different colours    
Mixed mainly or solely with flax 5212 24 10 (MTK)
Otherwise mixed 5212 24 90 (MTK)
Mixed mainly or solely with flax 5212 25 10 (MTK)
Otherwise mixed 5212 25 90 (MTK)

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